Ms. 可靠的网赌平台 Pageant

Contestant Requirements & Registration Form

Contestant Requirements

  • Must have completed at least 12 hours and have an overall G.P.A if 2.5 or higher.
  • Must be an active member of one of the LSU Alexandria Student Organizations
  • Must plan to attend LSU Alexandria the full academic year following the pageant.
  • Must complete a registration form and turn in to Student Services, Room 206.
  • Must submit a platform topic and be prepared to answer questions concerning the topic during the contestant interview and Saturday evening pageant. 
  • Must attend the following activities:
    •  Contestant Luncheon
    • Pre-pageant workshops on: Selecting a Platform Topic, Interview Techniques, Pose, and Wardrobe Selection
    • Pageant Rehearsals
    • Afternoon Interview
    • Grand Dress Rehearsal
  • Accept responsibility for providing wardrobe for the following: Interview, Pageant Opening Number, Casual Wear Round, and Evening Wear Round
  • Sell at least $150 in program ads (printed pageant program given to pageant audience) or pay $150 entry free.

Registration Form


xxx-xx-xxxx (If that number is the same as above, repeat the number here).

xxx-xx-xxxx (If that number is the same as above, repeat the number here).

By typing your name below, you give LSU Alexandria permission to release information about you for publicity purposes for the Ms. 可靠的网赌平台 Alexandria Pageant. You certify that you meet all of the requirements to be a contestant in the Ms. LSU Alexandria Pageant.